You’re here because you need help
finding answers to your health questions.
In this day and age, you need
a “person” who can help.
Everyone needs their “person,”
Dr. Kim is yours.

Hi, I’m Dr. Kim Trager!
I am passionate about helping you create optimal health! As a wellness practitioner for 25 years, I use my knowledge of nutrition, diet, body mechanics and energy medicine in partnership with strong resilient women, just like you.
Simple, easy changes to your daily life can give you more energy, better sleep, improved digestion, increased focus and increased flexibility.
I know that together we can create miracles in your health.

“There’s no one like Dr. Kim. She gets to the root of the symptoms and you get better”

Stretches That Really Help
Going Up The Wall
Computer Slouch Release
Standing Up is Hard to Do
My Morning Pick-Me-Up
Bridge Pose
Great Tennis Ball Massage
Releasing Computer Body

How To Breathe
Coherent Breathing
Releasing Computer Body